Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nazir's quilt

This is a quilt I made for my friend's son some time back. I took this picture a couple of days ago when I went back to my hometown for a short break. It's another Ohio trail quilt. I know it looks like this is the only pattern I can make!! LOL

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I have made another diaper bag but this time it's for a girl!! I added a flower on the bear to make it look more 'girly'!! I'm not good at making the flower but from a distance it does look like the flower on the fabric! LOL

Friday, April 17, 2009

:-) I've completed the whole crib set! I even included a matching pillow case!! I'm glad this is all done! Now I can go back to my patchwork!! I have been trying to complete the Tulips N Anemones applique. I've almost completed the ten sides. I'm also trying to finish my blanket. Just a bit more quilting to be done. I will post it on the blog later!! LOL

Once I've turned the fabric the right side out, I added the mouth, eyes, nose and ears. After that, I machine stitched around the bear to give it a more refine look!!! LOL

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Done the diaper bag now making a teddy bear to put on it! I've pinned two pieces of fabric (right side) and a piece of batting together. Sewed around it but not the whole way. Left enough gap to turn the fabric inside out. Did the same thing with the paws.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

As you can see, I've stitched the top of the diaper stacker to the shape of the wooden hanger and I've also serged around it leaving a hole for the hanger to go through it in the middle.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Attached the top part with light purple color. I didn't know till quite recently that I can actually do serging with my new sewing machine!!! I was so excited!!

My old machine is a simple one with very limited capabilites but it had served me well!! So I sent it to live in a convent in Kuantan...sort of like semi-retirement...cos the sisters said they'll use it only when neccessary!! LOL

Monday, April 13, 2009

Diaper Stacker

My sister-in-law wanted a big diaper stacker so I will be making one based on a normal size hanger. You can actually fill a large box of diapers in this!! LOL

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Finished the bumpers today and even managed to have them machine washed!! It was hard trying to stitch through some parts of the harden fabric!! The backing fabric is still slightly discolored but not very obvious!!! It sort of blend into all the purplish tones!!! LOL

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Made the ties and started sewing the binding on the bumper. I regretted using the spray though!! No doubt it's very easy but the fabric actually harden on the part which I sprayed a little too much. The label on the spray can said it would not leave any discoloration on the fabric. Not true!! Thank God, I sprayed on the backing and not the front of the bumper!!! After I've completed this, I'll put it in the wash and see if it goes off!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Right! Decided to try and use the adhesive spray on the bumper. I am not doing any quilting on it because the batting is rather thick! I had this bit of sponge material left over from one craft project I did a while back so I thought I'll just make use of it!! We'll see how it goes!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Crib bumper

I used the same pattern for the crib bumper. My sister-in-law wanted the bumper to go all around the crib. The size is 2 x 4 x 2 x 4 I hope I got it right!! LOL

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I've completed this quilt. I used three different fabric for the binding. It does make the quilt a little more interesting!!! As you can see, I am still not good at machine quilting!!! I thought of using purple thread for the bobbin but when I tried it out, the thread could be seen on the top quilt. I also adjusted the setting but I couldn't get it quite right so I discarded the idea!!! LOL

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I finally have some time to quilt. Wanted to do some fancy quilting design but ended up doing only straight lines!! I also wanted to baste the quilt with elmer's adhesive spray but decided not to because I don't know if it will leave any stain on the quilt after washing!! Or harden the fabric or.......??? I welcome any feedback from anyone who has ever use adhesive spray to baste a quilt.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

All done!!! Made two tent-flap curtains for my sister's bathrooms!! I hope they will hang properly!! I just passed the curtains to her today and I don't have any feedback yet!! Maybe she doesn't like them!! LOL