Made another tote with a different handle. Put the magnetic button inside the bag. This year my trademark will be the kanzashi flower! Used two buttons for the center of the flower. This bag is of the same size as the previous one.
Went shopping for presents yesterday and is happy with the progress!!! Another round tomorrow!!! Taking time off from tote making!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Totes and more!
I have been busy with Christmas preparations.....put together some decos for the tree, present buying etc.. Love this time of the year!!
Made some totes to give away as presents..this is one of them! Bought this Japanese fabric some time back. That time I had 'big' plans!! Was supposed to make at least one bag a month and by now, I should have quite a big collection!!! Sad to say...that was one big dream I had!! So now I am working very hard in the sewing room!! Trying to churn out, at least a bag a day!!! LOL
Thursday, December 1, 2011
I was working on the brown stems then decided green stems would look much better with the fabrics I chose for the flowers! Well, two things came into mind, either I rip off the brown stems and put in green stems or I start on a new piece! The later seemed like a better idea so here it is..two sets! I called my friend, Haminah, and asked her if she'd like to take over the brown stems and she was over the moon! It's a kick start for her!! LOL
So the next few days, I will be sewing the stems! But I am happy with the change!
So the next few days, I will be sewing the stems! But I am happy with the change!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
This is one of the most tedious job to do! Tracing the pattern onto the fabric. I had to tape the sides of the paper pattern on the floor first and then the fabric to keep it from moving and shifting. This is done on the floor because the pattern is rather big and long. Not good if you have a bad back! It took me quite some time to do it but I am so glad it's all done!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Floral Fantasy
Bought this book during my New Zealand trip because of the lovely floral quilts. This is one of the quilts that made me buy the book!! I have already sorted out the fabrics for this quilt. The background will be cream in color. I will be using strong colors for the flowers. I just hope my combination will be as nice as the quilt in the book!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Christmas Quilt

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Adeline's Quilt
I finally had a chance to see this finished quilt. I pieced the quilt top but I didn't do the quilting. Made this for my sister's 50th birthday! I told her I don't have time to quilt but I don't mind piecing together a top!! This is a king size quilt and I do like the colors. I seldom make quilts in these colors!! In future, I should consider making more quilts in these colors!!! LOL
Friday, October 7, 2011
Square hearts color variations!
This purple quilt is made by cousin Emma. She has changed the pattern of the heart . She made it more curvy at the sides. I like what she did! Her heart looked nicer than ours!!
The yellow and blue combination is made by cousin Michelle. She extended her heart by 2 rows top and bottom.
The blue and white combination is made by Aunty Cindy. She took our advice to go for a patchwork class. Well done for the 'first' project!!
I will be off to Bangkok for a week for some R &R! Back soon!!!
The yellow and blue combination is made by cousin Michelle. She extended her heart by 2 rows top and bottom.
The blue and white combination is made by Aunty Cindy. She took our advice to go for a patchwork class. Well done for the 'first' project!!
I will be off to Bangkok for a week for some R &R! Back soon!!!
Friday, September 30, 2011
I was so excited to see all the blocks together!!! There should be a 1.5in sashing all round the center block but I can omit that if I want to. Now I have to make some decisions!! To add sashing or not? To applique some butterflies?? There are still some more work to be done...After joining all the blocks together, I still have to applique hearts in between all the blocks. But the biggest part of it is DONE!!! Woohoooo!!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tulips N Anemones
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I am happy with the outcome of the rescue mission!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Rescue Mission
One of it, is this rescue mission!! This quilt top was made by my Aunty Cindy. Her first patchwork project. There were many flaws in this quilt because she just started and didn't pay enough attention to making the blocks all the same size and the quarter inch sewing allowance was not there. She was very reluctant to show us the quilt. But we said constructive and creative criticism is what every quilter should welcome! We all encouraged her to go for a basic patchwork class and she was the one who started the square heart quilt craze! Will post a picture of her quilt later! I didn't want her to be discouraged by her first quilt so I decided to see if I can rescue it!! My quilt challenge for the year!!! The first thing to do is to rip it all apart!! LOL
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
To make the squares, I learnt a shorter way of making them. First you will have to join all the 12 strips (must remember to start with the number sequence) Then sew together fabric 1 and fabric 2. Then cut into 3" strips. Check which line you want to do first and then mark it. Count the little squares and unpick following the sequence....LOL I know it looked complicated but actually it is very east!!!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I cut the fabric into 3in strips. The fabric are numbered 1 to 12 starting from the darkest color. Fabric 1, 6 and 12, cut 5 strips. The rest, cut 4 strips.
It's been ages since I made a quilt!! So nice to get back to these sequence when making patchwork.. matching the colors, cutting, ironing and piecing them together!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Square Heart Quilt
Monday, August 8, 2011
Scrappy Quilt
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Andrea's quilt
Remember this quilt??? I've finally managed to get it done! I didn't do the quilting myself as I know I am not good enough yet! But I did the binding though! LOL
If anyone of you out there need someone to quilt for you, just send me a message. I will put you in touch with the lady who did this piece for me!! She really did a good job.
As I mentioned in my earlier blog, I went for machine quilting class. It was intensive for us as we (my aunty and I) had only two days to learn whatever we could! The class was from 9am till 5pm and the first day, we stayed till 6pm! I have no regret in going for the class. I wished I had gone much, much earlier! Since coming back home, I have been practicing real hard and I could see some improvement!! I'm so happy!! :-)
Monday, August 1, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
I also traced and cut out two pieces of fabric for the lining. I didn't use any interfacing on the lining. The bag will be hard to sew if I use the interfacing on the lining.
I made brown handles to have some contrast.
The kanzashi is then sewn onto the flap of the bag.
One simple kanzashi on the bag and the bag look sooooo unique!!!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
As I will be staying with my cousin in Kuching and I thought I'll try and make her a bag to thank her for her hospitality. I hope she will like the kanzashi as I intend to embellish the bag with it.
Check out my reading glasses!! LOL
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
MY Bag!!
Finally, I've decided to make a bag for myself!! I will be going for a two day machine quilting course in Kuching next week. Made this bag so that I can put all the stuff I need for the course! The best thing about making a bag for oneself is that I can just about add whatever I want on it!! I made the flowers a few days ago and just decided to spend the whole of yesterday to make this bag. For info, the front of the bag has the flowers and the back, I've added the flowery fabric as a compartment for me to put my note book or papers in. The inside, I have made compartments for handphone, pens and my reading glasses...LOL My favourite thing for a bag to have is a key ring for car keys!! I think that is important because you do not want to have to rummage through your bag looking for them!!! OHHH.. my reading glasses just arrived today!! They are great.... now I can see the stitches so clearly...had a look at my applique project...ohhhhhhh some of the stitches are soooooo ugly!!!!! Ladies....don't wait to get them if you need them now!!!! hahhahaha
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Guess is "TIME"!!!! Made two pairs of reading glasses for myself yesterday!! LOLs!!! Had to make sure one pair is kept in the sewing room!! hahhahahah
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Hand bag
Took this pattern from my cousin in Miri. It's a very nice pattern but I am not satisfied with the way I made it. Look at the stitching on the top left...
I like the fabric though! Bought it at Nagoya. This fabric has a different top and bottom pattern. Will try and make another bag with the same fabric. I made this pattern a little smaller than the one my cousin gave me. Thought it will look cuter smaller in size!! hahhahhah
Friday, June 10, 2011
Jenny's tote
Made this bag for my sister, Jenny. I had to show my aunt and cousin the way I make my bags. This is a simple tote because of time constraint! I had to fit this bag making session into my very tight 'ops sapu' (clean up) schedule!! Started making this after dinner at aunty's house. I cut out all the fabric, aunty ironed and cousin sew!!! The outcome is this bag for Jenny....who did nothing except watched us!!! LOL
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
I had to make a trip back to my hometown to sort out my father's house! Major clean-up job!! Had to get rid of things that we had accumulated over the years. Lesson learnt... get rid of things we don't need at least once a year!!!
This is the bag I made. I know I should have put it on the blog but each time I wanted to something came up!! LOL
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Back to the sewing room!
Back home already!! Thought I will start making another tote bag. Before I left the the holidays, I went to Nagoya (not in Japan! but a shop) to buy more fabric for making tote bags. I love the colors and texture of these type of fabric. If I can make one bag a week, I should be able to have a good stash of Christmas presents in the cupboard!!! LOL
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Patch of Country Quilts
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Dog Box
Anyways, I bought some fabric from that shop and had a nice time chatting with the lady there. Gave me the address of another quilt shop that I MUST stop by on our journey through South island!!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
We are now in Wellington. Found this shop which is a bookshop as well as a quilt gallery. There were a few quilts on displayed but unfortunately no photography allowed. :-(
I bought this book because one of the patterns in there caught my eye. It will be worth it if I can make at least one quilt from this book!! LOL
Monday, May 2, 2011
Tirua Quilt Cottage
Found this little quilt shop on the way to Rotorua. It's located in a little village called Tirua. Went in and came out with some 'goodies'!!
Wendy ( pic ) gave me some advice on the thread to use for machine quilting. She said the best thing to do is to use good bobbin thread and a lighter needle for the machine. So am looking forward to going back and trying that out!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Blessed Easter
Blessed Easter to all. May you find comfort, strength, wisdom, joy, love and peace in the Risen Lord!
I will not be blogging for the next 3 weeks. Off for holiday in the land of sheep (there are more sheep than people in New Zealand)!! But if I do happen to come across any quilting shops, I will take a pic and put it up on the blog. And I will be buying lots of quilting magazines!! LOL
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Adeline's tote
I made this for my sister, Adeline, in return for her help in reorganizing my quilting room! I found quite a lot of stuff that I didn't know I had!! Lots of UFOs as well!!! She managed to sort all the fat quarters, Japanese fabric, bag fabric, Christmas fabric etc into individual boxes for easy access. I even have an empty shelf after all the reorganization!!! WOW!!
While she was busy rearranging the stuff, I was busy making the bag! She wanted a tote she can use for her pilates class. It's deep enough for her to put a rolled up mat in. In the interior of the bag, there are some pockets for putting her handphone, pens and purse. I've also attach a key hook for her keys so she doesn't have to rummage through her stuff to find them. As you can see, there are two pockets on the outside of the bag. Same style as the other tote! But minus the beads!!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I went to visit my sister in KL and came home without my laptop charger! Felt so 'lost' without my laptop! The laptop has become such a personal thing. I mean, I can still use my husband's desktop but it's not quite the same............LOL
Well, I've completed the bag. I used a plain fabric for the inside of the bag. Put some pockets in there as well. For the outside of the bag, I sewed in the middle of the quilted piece (on the lace) to make the pockets.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Added some wooden beads on the quilting to make it more interesting. Put the lace to separate the pockets. I will sew down the middle of the lace later.
I was out shopping yesterday and I saw a few bags which look nice and am thinking of making them so maybe after I am done with this one, I'll try and make one or two more. Am into a bag frenzy mood!!! LOL
Monday, April 4, 2011
Made the basic quilting lines for the front of the bag. Did them diagonally. I am going to make two front pockets for the tote. Probably try and add some lace to it.
Yesterday, I made a little progress on the 'tulips n anemones' project. Got a little confession to make.. been lagging behind on my sewing because I got myself hooked on an online game!!! LOL
Another tote
Yes..another tote! I bought this fabric from one of the local textile shops called Nagoya. (I love textile shops!!!) I like the colors and the feel of the material. I thought a bag might be nice for this sort of material. It's a bit rough and thick like those Japanese fabric. Got together a pair of handles, some wooden beads, a button and some lace. Will see what I can do with them!! I haven't decided on the style of the tote yet but then and again... a tote is a tote!... LOL
Monday, March 28, 2011
Grace's tote
This tote is made specially for my niece, Grace. I used this fabric because I know she is very proud of her heritage. Her dad is a native from Sarawak and almost every Gawai (harvest festival) they would travel back to their long house in Kapit.
I bought this fabric from Miri at the handicraft centre. This is actually sarong fabric. There are three distinctive patterns on the sarong. The handles of the bag is made from one pattern.
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